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Which woman in this gallery would get the most attention on OkCupid? Consult the quote below.

“Rudder has found that ‘conventionally pretty’ women, whom most men rate similarly, often don’t draw as much attention as you might expect. Perhaps their very prettiness suggests an average, unexciting personality. By contrast, women on OkCupid who make no effort to hide their physical quirks—by revealing an eccentric style sense, or grinning widely to reveal crooked or gapped teeth, or wearing a tight top that exposes a zaftig figure in all its glory (rather than attempting to bury it beneath a floaty top and infinity scarf)—get a lot of love precisely because they polarize opinion in the dating pool, according to Rudder.”

Source: “What Matthew McConaughey Has to Do With Why We Lie Online,”


General Prompt

European Art East: Burkhardt Gallery»

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